Saturday, December 13, 2008

Youth Group Nation

Hey everyone! Hope you've been enjoying your Friday and getting ready for this weekend. I sure I am! As some of you know through my Sunday Setlist posts, I started joining the Sunday Setlist at Fred about a 2 months ago and really have been enjoying it. It is great to see so many worship leaders/directors/pastors and even members share there Sunday Worship sets, experiences, thoughts, etc. Thinking about all that lead me to this question, "Why hasn't anyone done something similar for there youth group services?" Maybe there is someone out there, but I haven't heard of him/her yet. I don't know about other worship leaders but not only do I lead worship on Sunday mornings but I lead worship on Friday nights for our RAZE youth group ministry in beautiful Orlando, FL.

I have a passion for our youth, so the purpose of this is to find out what other youth group's are doing and how are there services. I want to find out if there are any other worship leaders/pastors/directors that lead worship for there youth group as well as Sunday or maybe just for there youth group. I want to hear about your youth group services. Share your worship sets, experiences, as well as the rundown of the entire service.

So here it is. "Youth Group Nation" #2 Woohoo! If someone out there has the gift to design awesome logos please let me know, please! Every Friday we I will be hosting "Youth Group Nation". I want to hear from you. Make sure when you respond you provide us with the following info:

What is your youth group name?
Where are you located?
What day is your youth group service on?
What songs were in your worship set? and the rest is on you!

Also remember that your youth group service doesn't have to be on a Friday to participate. Whatever day it is, it doesn't matter. The participation begins on Friday and so on.

So in your blog, mention the “Youth Group Nation” blog and link back to this post. Use the link as I have below. For example? In your blog, you could say “I’m posting my Youth Group Nation along with other worship leaders at “Youth Group Nation” over at” - and link back to this post:
Please spread the word.


Here's how my Raze youth group service went at the Potter House Christian Church in Orlando, FL.

We'll earlier in the week I found out that my drummer would be out of town. So I had my piano/guitar player (Mike) play the drums and man he rocked it out. Also I found out that my bass player (John) wouldn't be here this Sunday so I asked another member of the adult worship team to help us out with guitar on Friday and bass on Sunday. So we had a packed altar. We had 3 guitar players, 1 bass, 1 piano, 1 drummer and about 6 to 7 singers. So just picture that. But service was amazing, we started on time (that is something that we are striving for on a consistent basis). I lead the intro prayer (which I usually do). Here was the setlist:

1. I am Free (Michael Gungor) - D
I played a synthesised sound for this song. It turned out awesome. Every time we do this song it really pumps up the crowd.

2. Run (Hillsong United) - Eb
This was our newest one that we started last week and brang in this week. Very fun and powerful at the same time. I got away from the piano to lead this one. If you haven't checked out my "Other Videos" section below, I have the video of how we did this song last Friday night.

3. My soul longs for you (Misty Edwards) - Bb
Wow! I got back to the piano and played another synth sound to help out the guys. This song is great because it is one of those songs that transitions you from fast to slower worship songs. I highly recommend this song for any worship team. Lyrics are very simple as well as music.

4. Mighty to Save (Hillsong United) - D
I stayed on the keys for this one. We did the song very good. The presence of good really worked in peoples hearts. For a while now God's presence has really shown up tremendously in our service.

5. Rejoice (Israel Houghton) - E
Come on, we got to have a little gospel in here! Great song. I got away from the keys again for this song. We ended up extending this song longer than we thought we would, because our youth really got into it. Then our Pastor picked up the microphone and wanted to keep it going. Have you ever had that happen to you? Where your Pastor picks up the mic and just wants you to keep doing the same song or even a different one?

After that one of our youth leaders (Emely) brought an awesome word but before she started we sang a song called "Start a Fire" which really set the atmosphere for the word of God to be delivered.

We finished with the calling and had a good crowd of people that went to the altar. I was on the keys and just sang whatever the Lord was putting in my heart. Overall the service was awesome and it keeps getting better each week.

So go ahead and share your youth service at "Youth Group Nation"!

Until next time
Stay blessed

Until next time
Stay blessed!


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