Welcome to another edition of the Beach Body Series. Hope you are enjoying it as much as I am doing and writing it.
As of today, here it goes:
Light to Medium Cardio: 15min.
Light meaning that I began by walking then half way began to perform a light jog to warm up the muscles and get good blood flow through out my body.
Abdominals: 15-20min. - 3sets/15-20x
- Super Set: Jacknife Sit Ups w/ Russian twist on decline Bench an or Spider Planks
- Seated Flat Bench Pull In w/ Seated Barbell Twist
- Depth Push Up
- Spider (Side to Side) Push Ups w/ Standing Push Ups with Resistant Band
Upper Chest
- Incline Barbell Bench Press
Middle Chest
- Flat Barbell Bench Press
Lower Chest
- Decline Barbell Bench Press
Resistant Band Flyes
Cross Over Flyes
Push Up Chest Blaster w/ Medicine Ball: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNwtuPF2vao
Lock offs - 5sets each side
Crossovers - 5sets each side
Ball Squeeze - 10-15x
Drop n Pop - 10-15x
Decline Skull Crushers w/ barbell
Standing Tricep Extension on Cable w/ Rope
Bent Over One Arm Tricep Cable Extension
Post Light Cardio: No Cardio
Awesome workout this morning. But the last two days I have had a sharp pain in the middle of my foot, which doesn't allow me to effectively do my cardio. I'll be checking that out soon. But overall the workout was great. I am excited about doing different exercises that challenge my body.
What has been the hardest challenge in pursuing your
Beach Body?