Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fasting - Day 2

What's up everyone! We'll it is day two of this 21 day fast and I am still alive! Woohoo! If you haven't read my first day of fasting post here it is, but my church (Potter's House Christian Church) has incorporated Pastor Jentenzen Franklin's 21 day Daniel fast. To check out every detail of this fast go to Jentenzen Franklin.org

Today was pretty good I did feel the hunger pains more than yesterday but nothing overwhelming. I really didn't each much again today but a banana and not from concentrate apple juice. But today I was meditating on a verse that I read in the morning in Jude 1:21 "Live in such a way that God's love can bless you as you wait for the eternal life that our Lord Jesus Christ in his mercy is going to give you."
That was my prayer today; that my life could be so pleasing on to God that He would have no choice but to bless me and extend His hand of favor over me. We have to believe and have confidence that as we live a life of faith each day, it will require God to take action. The Bible says that, "...faith moves the hand of God" This is the year that God's hand is moved.

During these 21 day of fasting we are also having service every night. Tonight was amazing. The congregation was so hungry for a move of God today, you could feel a desperation for God in the atmosphere. I can't wait to see what is to come.

Let me share with you my dinner, here is a picture of it.
Here I have a plate of organic wheat pasta with home made tomato sauce. On the other plate I have a salad with no dressing. And on my other plate I have avocado with plantains. My wife really outdid herself today. She is tearing it up!

This was day 2 of 21 days. Everyday for the next 21 days I will be keeping you posted with everything that happens. You can also check out Potter's House Christian Church and download free podcast daily of every service in our 21 day fast. So stay plugged in everyday.

So are you or your church fasting this new year? If so how is it going? If not I invite you to dedicate and seperate yourself for God, it will change the rest of your year.

Until next time
Stay blessed.